First contact with alpinism - El barranco del Postero

Beginning the climbing

The team

The land of snow and ice

Walking the slope up

In other world

First contact with alpinism - Sierra Nevada

The team

Lanjaron Valley

Mount Elorrieta

Back to the mountains - Puente de la Constitución

Snowshoeing through the valley

Mount Elorrieta

Parque nacional de Sierra Nevada... and my shadow

Fiestas de San Andrés - Dólar

Antiguamente las corridas se hacian en la plaza del pueblo
La primera corrida de toros en Dólar se celebró en 1764

Encierro de los toros

Recorrido del Encierro

La corrida

Πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει

Human nature: Revolutions

Meanwhile the moderate part of the citizens perished between the two,
either for not joining in the quarrel,
or because envy would not suffer them to escape.

On the Corcyraean Revolution. The History of the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides

Prague - Chasing winter


Prague - Bohnice

Entropa - Europe according David Cerny

Prague Law School

Jára Cimrman - Greatest Czech and founder of externalism

Errant in the enchanted forest

Wandering through an enchanted forest
I came across the unexpected and the long time forgotten
Fulfilled I returned home

SPC meeting - Alvaro's wedding

Aren't they cute?

Old friends meeting

Pais Vasco - Summer 2009

Euskal Herria

Tapas - Estilo vasco

Dolar - Puerto de la Ragua Hike

Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar


Summer concerts

Yann Tiersen

Gilberto Gil

Bruce Springsteen

Cape Town - Crossing Table Mountain

Table Mountain

Starting poing: Kisternbosch botanical garden.
Skeleton gorge is visible from here

Scrambling up the river bed

The view from the top of Skeleton gorge

Table Mountain feinbos - King of proteas

More feinbos

Platteklip gorge

Cape Town - Cabo da Boa Esperança and Bartolomeu Dias Beach

Cabo da Boa Esperança and Dias Beach

Dias Beach from the top of the hill

The view from the beach

Cape Town - The Great White Shark

This time diving in a cage

A white shark close up

Getting ready to attack

IGARSS 2009 - Cape Town

The University of Cape Town

Cape Town - Diving with sharks

The thrill: Diving with a couple of sand tiger sharks without any protection
The trick: The dive would be in an aquarium so it was a controlled environment
The fun fact: The sharks were fed only once a week, precisely the day I was diving...

Mirando los toros desde la barrera...

A sand tiger shark close up

Diving with turtles... an amazing experience

The outcome: Nothing gory happened. The sharks were curious about my presence, specially at the beginning. Probably they were expecting me to feed them. I had to sink slowly and use the rocks to protect my back (and my divemaster had to use a wooden stick to keep them away)

When I tried to get out, the younger one (a two meters male) got really, really interested in me and circled me for a while. My divemaster was a bit worried (to say the least) but with his help and trying not to freak out it finally got bored and left.

Disclaimer: Sand tigers are not that agressive but then, diving in a aquarium it's much more conflict prone than in outdoors.... It was a thrilling experience anyway ;-)

Festival Internacional de Musica y Danza

The upper room - Corella Ballet

Cancionero del Sacromonte - Marina Heredia at the Sacromonte Abbey

Swan Lake - The Royal Ballet