Wilkins starts its voyage

Well now it's for real. The breakup of Wilkins has started. Yesterday ESA announced that the breakup was inminent and it seems that it was not only because Easter was near and they wanted to go on holydays :-) 

Images from today show the ice shelf breaking.  Below you have the last images (the last one only available here!)

If you don't understand what's going on you can take a look to The unofficial Wilkins Ice Shelf Spacecam and to the  introduction about the Wilkins Ice Shelf

Wilkins ice shelf this morning at 5:00 (UT) 

Wilkins ice shelf today at 12:00 (UT)

Last seven days

It makes me feel a bit sad. It's been one of the projects I have worked in my last stay in ESA and it's nice that at the end it has proved useful. But on the other hand I've been looking to this Ice Shelf for six months almost everyday and it was starting to feel familiar to me. I had dreamt of visiting it someday. Well, now it's gone and I will never see Charcot Island from the ice bridge...

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